How To Find
Your Big Idea

5 Simple Steps To Finding Your Big Idea &
Turning It Into A Highly Profitable Online Business

The most successful businesses in the world have one thing in common… they all started with nothing and turned a single “Big Idea” into what they are today:

From the desk of Eben Pagan
Miami, Florida

If you’ve always wanted to find YOUR “Big Idea” for a highly profitable online business, check out the 5 proven steps below.

These 5 steps completely changed my life…

I’ve personally used them to create over 10 online businesses and brands, over 50 top selling online products, and well over 100 million dollars in online sales — all from the comfort and convenience of my laptop computer.

Because these steps worked so well for me, over the past 10 years I’ve taught them to tens of thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world.

And some of my students have gone on to create online businesses that have now sold even more than I have…

In my experience, following these 5 simple steps is the fastest way to find your “Big Idea” and turn it into a highly profitable online business.

Here’s are the steps…

Disclaimer: I’m about to show you some of my personal sales and income results. Please do not take this as a promise or implication that you will get the same results, or any at all for that matter. Just like any business, building an online business involves hard work and substantial risk.

Step 1

Start the “right type” of online business.

As I mentioned, I’ve taught thousands of entrepreneurs, from all over the world, how to start a profitable online business.

And this experience has taught me that there’s ONE particular type of business that is easily the best choice for most people.

My students and I call it…

“The Perfect Online Business”

The perfect online business creates and sells “digital teaching products” online.

You don’t need any special credentials to create digital teaching products… and in my experience, “regular people” are actually making the best products because their teaching style is relatable and easy to understand.

With the proper training, anyone can make a digital teaching product quickly and for very little cost… and then learn how to offer it online to millions of people all over the world.

After teaching tens of thousands of people how to do this, I can say with certainty that this is one of the greatest opportunities for “regular people” like us to start and build a highly profitable online business.

So What’s A “Digital Teaching Product”?

Digital teaching products are e-books, online courses, online memberships, and more… they teach people how to solve a specific problem, or get a specific result.

For example: my very first “digital teaching product” was a little e-book that I wrote about dating. I wrote this simple book 17 years ago, and people still buy it online every day.

The book is called “Double Your Dating” and it teaches men how to be a lot more successful with women and dating.

This was my first “Big Idea”... and it took me about 3 weeks to turn my idea into a short 100 page book that I could sell online.

This was the start of my first online business.

As you can see, it wasn’t the world’s biggest idea, but it was definitely a good one, and it worked…

$133,000 My First Year Online

My little 100 page e-book about dating was the “digital teaching product” that launched my first online business.

During the first year I was still learning, but I managed to bring in about $133,000 in sales by the end of the year.

In my second year I did $500,000 in sales, and I felt like I was really starting to figure things out.

In my third year I did $1.5 million, $5 million my fourth year, and my business kept going up from there.

Since then I’ve created over 50 digital teaching products that have generated over 100 million dollars in online sales...

And I’ve been able to do this in all sorts of different niches: marketing, online business, productivity, money, relationships, coaching and consulting, business growth, and more.

In my experience, once you know the best way to create “digital teaching products”, you can create new ones very quickly and with very little money…

From everything I’ve seen, creating “digital teaching products” is by far the best way for most people to build a highly profitable business online.

People Are Searching For You
Right Now...

Half the world is online right now... 3.5 billion people from every part of the globe.

When all these people want to accomplish a goal or solve a problem in their lives, they turn to the internet for answers.

And here’s the cool part: you already know many of the answers that people are searching for.

When you really stop and think about this, it’s kind of a “trip” to realize that right now, in this very moment, people are online searching for what you know.

In a way, they’re already searching for YOU…

You just need to create a product that will teach them what you know...

The Insatiable Demand For
Digital Teaching Products

In the history of the world, there has never been this many people learning so much, so quickly. And every day, more and more people come online.

This exponential increase in the demand for quality information that can really help people’s lives, has created an insatiable demand for digital teaching products... on every topic imaginable.

I know people who are doing incredibly well teaching people about relationships, health, productivity, business, social media, fitness, and much more.

I know people who’ve done very well teaching people to play poker, how to plan weddings, and even how to “teach your parrot to talk”.

That last one really made me smile… the guys teaching this invested $30,000 to be in my original mastermind trainings, and they were doing extremely well… teaching parrots to talk :-)

As you can see, the opportunity to create highly profitable digital products is truly limitless.

The #1 Way To Build A Highly
Profitable Online Business

For all the reasons I just gave you, starting a business that creates and sells “digital teaching products” is definitely the best way for most people to build a highly profitable online business.

When you’re just starting out, it’s so important that you pick the “right type” of online business… and a “digital teaching products” business is what I recommend to 99% of my students.

Step 2

Find your “unique genius” that you can share with the world.

After teaching tens of thousands of people how to start an online business, I firmly believe that everyone in this world has a “unique genius”...

I believe that you have unique gifts and unique talents that you were meant to share with the world.

And I also believe that you can never be completely happy until you find a way to fully express yourself and share your genius with others.

So how do you find your “unique genius” and how can you turn it into a digital teaching product that helps people all over the world?

What’s Your “Unique Genius”?
Ask yourself this question…

To find your genius, ask yourself this question…

“What is it that you’re great at, that you actually wouldn’t have guessed people would pay you to teach them, because it’s so natural and automatic to you?”

If you’re having a little trouble with this question, you’re not alone. A lot of people get stuck here because they have a strong belief that work is supposed to be “hard”.

Most people don’t believe that it’s possible to make a great income doing something they truly love to do… something that comes naturally and easily to them.

But I’m here to tell you this is absolutely possible when you find your “unique genius” and you build an online business around that genius.

This is what will allow you to share your unique gifts and talents with the world… and in my experience, it’s also the very best way to build a highly profitable online business.

By the way, if this possibility is exciting to you, I can give you access to my proven step-by-step training that will walk you through all the steps you need to take to find your “unique genius” and your “big idea” for your online business… I’ll tell you how to get full access to it in just a bit.

Step 3

“Narrow Your Niche” for your online product.

When people make their first digital teaching product here’s the biggest mistake they make…

They try to make a product that EVERYONE wants to buy.

And this makes perfect sense… intuitively they think they’ll get more sales if they make a product that more people can buy.

But here’s the truth…

There are so many people online - 3.5 billion and rising every day - and so much information online, that people expect specific solutions for their problems.

When people are online looking for answers to their problems, they want to buy digital teaching products that are designed “just for them”.

People DON’T want to buy products that are designed for everyone.

So this is a bit counterintuitive, but 100% true in my experience…

You will actually sell A LOT more online by creating a product for fewer people.

You’ll have much greater success if you create a product that solves a specific problem for a specific person.

Here’s a good example of how this works...

How To Get 10x More Sales By Saying “NO” To 95% Of People Online

My very first book could have been called “Self Help”... because that’s what it really taught people.

If I called the book “Self Help”, I could have offered it online to everyone in the world…

But I knew this wouldn’t work because nobody wants to buy a generic book called “Self Help”.

People want solutions “just for them”... specific solutions for specific problems.

I knew that I needed to “narrow my niche” and teach my proven self help strategies to a smaller market.

First, I thought I’d narrow my niche to people who wanted to have better relationships… but I didn’t think that was specific enough.

Second, I thought I’d narrow my niche specifically to men, so I could adapt my strategies for men only… but again, I didn’t think that was specific enough.

Third, I thought I’d narrow my niche to men who were single and dating… but I still didn’t think that was specific enough.

Fourth, I decided to narrow my niche to men who were single and dating, and their primary goal was to go out on more dates… finally, this felt specific enough.

And on top of this, I also decided to narrow my niche to countries that have a high population of people who speak English.

Create A Product “Just For Them”

By narrowing my niche from teaching self help to “everyone”, to focusing on relationships, then men only, then single men who are dating, then single men who specifically want to learn how to go out on more dates with women…

I finally had a very specific problem I could solve for my customers!

Some people thought I was crazy because narrowing my niche to this level made me say “no” to at least 95% of people online.

But in the end, this is exactly what my customers wanted me to do - because I was able to create solutions “just for them”.

I didn’t need to come up with self help solutions for “everyone”… I just had to come up with great solutions to help single men go out on more dates with women.

And this is why I titled my first book “Double Your Dating”...

“Double Your Dating”
$30 Million Per Year

In my book “Double Your Dating”, I showed men how to double the number of dates they went on, and how to be a lot more successful with women.

By saying “no” to at least 95% of people online, and only talking directly to my customer, I was able to generate $133,000 in sales my first year online…

I brought in $500,000 my second year, and eventually this business grew all the way to $30 million dollars per year…

And it all started by “narrowing my niche”!

When you’re creating your digital teaching product, remember to “narrow your niche”. This is one of the most important things you can do to build a highly profitable online business.

If this makes sense to you, and you’d like to get more training on how to “narrow your niche” for your specific product, I just released a new step-by-step niche training. This is probably the best training I’ve ever done to help you target the perfect niche for your online product… I’ll tell you how to get full access to it in just a bit.

Step 4

Create an online product that “sells itself”.

In Silicon Valley, the home of epic tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and more, they have a VERY important saying that can mean “life” or “death” for any new product.

They say…

“The Product IS The Marketing”

In Silicon Valley, they focus on creating products that are so good, they don’t need a bunch of marketing…

The product is so good, it literally “sells itself”...

If you create a new product in Silicon Valley, and your product can sell itself, you can get millions of dollars from eager investors.

If your product can’t sell itself, you’ll probably end up with nothing.

And the same is true for “digital teaching products”...

Create Online Products That
“Sell Themselves”

If you can create “digital teaching products” that sell themselves, it’s possible to build a very successful online business.

This is the best way to create an online business that can give you the lifestyle you’ve always wanted… the kind of freedom, flexibility, and income that most people only dream of.

On the other hand, if your online product can’t “sell itself”, it will be very difficult for your online business to survive.

The #1 Product Design Mistake
That Most People Make

Most people fail to create an online product that sells itself because they make this critical design mistake…

And almost everybody does this the first time they create a product!

The #1 Product Mistake: Most people design a product that THEY want to make… instead of designing a product that people already WANT TO BUY.

If you want to create an online product that sells itself, focus less on what you want to teach, and more on what people already want to buy.

How To Create An Online Product
That People Already Want To Buy

My favorite resource to find out what people already want to buy is Google.

Google has invested billions of dollars into creating the most powerful online tools on the planet that can show you what your customers want.

In my opinion, designing a digital teaching product without researching it first on Google is flat out CRAZY!

Especially when you can use Google’s tools to research your product for FREE… all you need is a free AdWords account.

Using Google To Create Products
That Sell Themselves

Before I create a digital teaching product, I like to use Google’s multi-billion dollar system to find out exactly what my customers want to buy.

With this information, I can design a digital teaching product that gives my customers the exact answers and exact solutions they’re looking for.

By doing this, it’s possible to create digital teaching products that people are already searching for online… products they already want to buy.

I can’t tell you enough how important this step is to the success of your online business. But I can give you full access to the best training I’ve ever done on this topic.

My brand new training shows you everything you need to know about how to create online products that literally “sell themselves”... I’ll tell you how to get full access to it right after I give you step #5 below.

Step 5

Use a proven blueprint to turn your “Big Idea” into a highly profitable online business.

Whatever you do, avoid the temptation to waste time and money trying to “reinvent the wheel”.

Sometimes I think about all the big ideas that never made it because the business owner failed to use a proven blueprint… don’t let this happen to you.

Whenever I start a new online business, I use the exact same blueprint every time…

Use The Same Blueprint For
Every New Business

In my experience, this is the #1 reason that my businesses succeed.

This is how I’ve started more than 10 different businesses and brands from scratch, and how I quickly grew all of them from zero to over $1 million dollars in sales…

All my new businesses worked because I used the same blueprint every time!

If I had to use “trial and error” every time I started a new business, most of them would fail - so I don’t do this!

Instead, I use a proven blueprint that has worked for me over and over again.

If you’re serious about finding your “Big Idea” and turning it into a highly profitable online business, this is one of the best success tips I can give you…

Find a proven blueprint to help you build your online business, and use it!

Get 5 Of My Best Blueprint Trainings For Just $5 — Limited Time

1. How To Find Your Big Idea

$100 Value

2. How To Turn Your Big Idea Into A Profitable Online Product

$100 Value

3. How To Create An Online Product That Literally “Sells Itself”

$100 Value

4. How To Target A Best-Selling Niche For Your Online Product

$100 Value

5. How To Turn Your Product Into A Highly Profitable Business

$100 Value

Total Value = $500

Right now I’m doing something very special to help you build your online business.

As a marketing test, I’ve decided to give away 5 of my best blueprint trainings for just $5.

These are the exact blueprints that I use whenever I start a brand new online business… and you’ll get all five of them for just $5!

Because the price is so low, I’m only doing this for a very limited time - so grab them now while you still can.

And even though you’re getting all of them for just $5, they still come with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Yes, I Want This!

Blueprint Training #1
How To Find Your “Big Idea”

In this video training I’ll walk you through my proven step-by-step formula for finding YOUR “Big Idea” for your online business.

This is the exact “Big Idea Blueprint” that I use whenever I’m creating a new online business or product.

I’ve used this “Big Idea Blueprint” to create more than 10 separate multimillion-dollar businesses and brands… it really works!

This blueprint training comes with a step-by-step video plus a written exercise that you can use right now to find YOUR “Big Idea” for a highly profitable online business.

Just click below to get instant access...

Yes, I Want This!

Blueprint Training #2
How To Turn Your Big Idea Into
An Online Product

After you use my “Big Idea” training to find YOUR “Big Idea”, the next step is learning how to turn your idea into an amazing online product.

This comprehensive video training will show you the fastest way to take your idea and turn it into a valuable product that you can sell online to people all over the world.

This blueprint training comes with a step-by-step video and written guide that will guide you through the key steps of turning your “Big Idea” into a highly profitable online product.

Just below to get instant access...

Yes, I Want This!

Blueprint Training #3
How To Create An Online Product
That “Sells Itself”

This blueprint training is my #1 online training class.

It’s my #1 online class because this training shows you how to design your online product so it literally “sells itself”.

In Silicon Valley, the home of Apple, Google, and Facebook, they have a very important saying:

“The Product IS The Marketing”

In Silicon Valley, they focus on creating products that are so good, they don’t need a bunch of marketing… the products “sell themselves”.

If you can create a product in Silicon Valley that sells itself, you can get millions of dollars from eager investors. If your product can’t sell itself, you usually end up with nothing.

And the same is true for “digital teaching products”.

In this blueprint training, you’ll learn how to design your product so that people are already searching for it...

You’ll learn how to create a digital teaching product that people already want to buy... even before you put it online.

I could never have sold 100 million dollars of online products without this formula… and I’m going to teach it to you step-by-step in this very special training!

Just click below to get instant access...

Yes, I Want This!

Blueprint Training #4
How To Target A Best-Selling Niche
For Your Online Product

This blueprint training will show you how to target a best-selling niche for your online product.

To build a highly profitable online business, you must get your niche right!

If you target the wrong niche, it will be extremely difficult to sell your product online...

Target the right niche, and it’s possible to get all the sales you want and grow your online business very quickly.

Learning how to target the perfect niche for your online product is one of the most important things you can learn to build a highly profitable online business…

This training will show you step-by-step, exactly how to do it!

Just click below to get instant access...

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Blueprint Training #5
How To Turn Your Product Into A
Highly Profitable Online Business

After you go through the first four blueprint trainings you will have learned…

  • How to find YOUR “Big Idea”...
  • How to turn your idea into a valuable online product…
  • How to design an online product that “sells itself”...
  • How to target a best-selling niche for your online product...

In your 5th blueprint training, I’ll show you how to combine everything together and turn your product into a highly profitable online business.

This is the exact business system that I teach to all of my students…

This is the business system that’s helped me launch over 10 multi-million dollar businesses and brands...

This is the business system that helped me generate over 100 million dollars of online sales, all from the comfort and convenience of my laptop computer.

In this final blueprint training, you’ll get a detailed video training and step-by-step written guide that will show you the fastest way to turn your product into a highly profitable online business.

Just click below to get instant access...

Yes, I Want This!

Get All 5 Blueprint Trainings For Just $5 — Limited Time

1. How To Find Your Big Idea

$100 Value

2. How To Turn Your Big Idea Into A Profitable Online Product

$100 Value

3. How To Create An Online Product That Literally “Sells Itself”

$100 Value

4. How To Target A Best-Selling Niche For Your Online Product

$100 Value

5. How To Turn Your Product Into A Highly Profitable Business

$100 Value

Total Value = $500

Get Everything Now For Just $5

Yes, I Want This!

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Even though you’re only investing $5, you still get a 100% money-back guarantee.

Try out my 5 blueprint trainings for the next 30 days completely risk free.

If this isn’t the best $5 you have EVER spent... simply let me know and I will happily refund your $5, no questions asked!

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Success Stories